Bánh bột lọc tiếng Anh là gì? Hue is one of major tourist spots in the Central region of Vietnam because it’s a world’s cultural heritage. Foreign visitors love this place because of its peaceful and quiet environment. Girls are known for their charming ao dai and riding on bicycles.

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Bánh bột lọc tiếng Anh là gì?

Above all, Hue’s food is such a sensation. If you are into Vietnamese food, you may be able to recognize the taste difference of people in the Central, the North and the South. The Southern Vietnamese people prefer food with a sweeter taste, while the Northern food is a bit plain.

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Hue’s food or the Central Vietnamese food is known for being very tasty, salted and spicy. A lot of foreigner can’t stand that spicy flavor and easily get sick. However, once their stomachs get used to that taste, people love it.


How about the drink? In order to get the authentic experience, I recommend you to drink with iced green tea. The taste isn’t sweet at all (If you know what I’m talking about, Asian people are crazy about bubble tea!), quite plain but really refreshing your mouth. Some places provide iced green tea for free, but sometimes you have to pay a very little for it.

Where to Eat? The place that I eat the 3 popular cakes today is at ‘Ba Be’, 100 Hoang Van Thu Street, Da Nang, Vietnam

Price reference:

– Iced Green Tea: 1000 VND (5 cent)

– 3 trays of Bánh bèo (6 bowls per tray), 2 plates of bánh nậm (4 cakes per plate), 2 plates of bánh bột lọc (8 cakes per plate) = 50,000VND (2.5USD). This can feed 3 people hay Bánh bột lọc tiếng anh là gì?

bánh bột lọc huế tiếng anh là gìbánh bột lọc trong tiếng anh là gìbánh bột lọc trong tiếng anhbột lọc tiếng anh là gìbánh bột lọc tên tiếng anh là gì