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Bạn đã xem: Pate tiếng anh là gì

She discovered that her manager was changing sell-by dates on dairy products, pates and other items. Then one comes to a cyclist, who has a black cap và a bald pate, và who looks rather like an overdressed convict. I imagine it is envisaged that the application could be ex pate or at any rate heard without personal service on him. It was then found that the territory with which they were dealing was more difficult than anyone ever antici- pated. Official trade statistics for the volume of imports of pate de foie gras are not separately available. However, we still eat a lot of trắng veal & pate de foie gras that is produced abroad, and those processes show scant regard for animal welfare. Pate turned down the opportunity khổng lồ sign a professional track & field contract in order khổng lồ finish his eligibility. các quan điểm của các ví dụ cấp thiết hiện cách nhìn của các chỉnh sửa viên mascordbrownz.com mascordbrownz.com hoặc của mascordbrownz.com University Press hay của những nhà cung cấp phép.

Bạn đang xem: Pate tiếng anh là gì




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