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Idol Producer Fans REUNITE

This was yet another enjoyable season of Idol Trainees và their talents!! We get to see LAY PD back in action with a whole group of new mentors & a new batch of trainees. This season was also super funny and had the best moments when it came to interactions with mentors, friendships between trainees và AWESOME performances. If you loved the first season, you won"t miss out when it comes the this one. The final group that debuted is UNINE!!!! It consists of Li Wen Han, Hu Chun Yang, Li Zhen Ning, Chen You Wei, Xia Han Yu, Jia Yi, Guan Yue, Yao Ming Ming và He Chang Xi. #UNINE

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Self-fulfilling prophecy

Whenever the producers & director of the show like it or not, they influence the kết thúc result a lot, & it makes the shows less entertaining to watch. With limited screen time, they have to decide who lớn show và for how long. Trainees who get more screen time at first get more popular. Because they are popular, the director and editing team adds even more scenes with them, which makes them even more popular - at the kết thúc of the day, they are the ones who will debut. ⇢ Cast aka the contestants và mentorsI started the show for Lian Huaiwei. He was my favorite in season 3, so I wanted to check his “humble beginnings”. Surprisingly, the one that was the most entertaining was Lay. He was so unintentionally hilarious, it was hard not to lượt thích him. All the mentors did well. I could see they truly tried lớn help the trainees as much as it was possible. For the contestants themselves… Only a few caught my attention, & it’s mostly because only a few got a fair amount of screen time. Watching the finale, I still did not remember the names of over a half of the trainees… I guess it says a lot. ⇢ Music aka the the performancesThere were few performances I liked quite a lot, but for me, the buildup is quite important. I want lớn see them practicing the songs more, see the progress from the day one of forming a group, to the day they actually perform. Sadly, I did not get much of it. ⇢ Story aka the productionLet’s get real… they did not care that much about the international audience. They did not bother lớn translate into English the result boards, hence the only way I could find out who won in specific groups was based on the reactions of the trainees. Which is sad, because the competition is the chip core of the show… but I could not even follow the competition lớn the fullest because of the lack of translations. Another thing that bothered me a lot were the volunteering và charity work bits. Don’t get me wrong, the idea was amazing, but it was wasted by adding it to lớn the episodes themselves. It would be far better to make it a separate series like “Charity with Youth” or something lượt thích that, with full length episodes just showing the trainees work. By adding the bits khổng lồ the episodes, the precious time that should be used on showing the teens working to achieve their dreams was wasted. With that, during the elimination, we weren’t even able khổng lồ hear the thoughts of all the trainees that got to the next round. What I liked though, was the addition of the Special mentors, who were able to lớn promote the trainees khổng lồ the next round, even if they did not get enough screen time. It’s fair to lớn leave some space for the professional khổng lồ “interfere”, since the production is not completely fair khổng lồ all the trainees khổng lồ gather the votes from the public. Overall, I kind of had fun? I laughed quite a few times, even managed to cry here & there. I feel like I was just spoiled by season 3. Not only were there twice as many episodes, but also all the episodes were longer than the ones in season 1 - with that, I was able khổng lồ get lớn know and get invested in the trainees và their journey far more.

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